Monday, September 22, 2014

Lizzie and Joe

Lizzie and Joe! These two cuties have been married three years now. Lizzie was wanting some up to date images of the two of them together. I was so excited to take their photos. 

I had been wanting to use this location for a long time, but since most of my shoots include small children I have had to hold off. We had a beautiful, overcast morning. I made them walk all over the place so it was nice that it wasn't hot. Lizzie came with sweat rags just in case, though.


The editing process is one of my favorite parts. Its where I really get to be creative and put my mark on a session. Here is a before and after.

This shoot made me very aware of the special powers photographers have. How many people out their can tell a couple "Kiss" and they listen? Not many. I was laughing while editing because I kept making them hold a kiss for an uncomfortable amount of time so I could change perspectives.



I always love to include black and whites. These are some of my favorite B&Ws to date!



Lizzie had me laughing. In between shots she would come to Joe's aid, killing all the mosquitos that landed on him. True love. Or maybe she just wanted an excuse to smack him....never know.

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