Sunday, December 7, 2014

Just in time for Christmas: Family Portraits

So, this was just fun. It was fun to plan, fun to shoot, and fun to edit. Baby Z is BY FAR the cutest little Santa's helper ever. 


                      Love how the Black and White photo shows off this little lady's eyes.

My husband made me laugh. He was looking over my shoulder while I was editing and says to me, "I don't know if you did this on purpose, but the white is kind of like snow. I like it!" Haha! 

I hope these images will be wonderful reminders of baby's first Christmas.

I was a little worried that she wouldn't fit in my basket. It was a tight squeeze but she did it! Love all the soft, natural tones. 


We ventured to baby's room for a few portraits. Love that she was interested enough to look at the camera.


This photo had me laughing. Just hanging with her giraffe. No big deal. We did a quick tummy time before going outside. She spit up ten seconds after I snapped this one. Good thing everything was machine washable!

Perfect family shot.

Miss J! Beautiful eyes.

Baby Z was about finished and ready to eat by the end of our hour. Had to finish up with a few outdoor images. 

Big sister let me snap a couple before I left. Hopefully, when the weather is nice again, we will have the chance to take more outdoor photos. I always enjoy working with this family. Hope you enjoy your images!

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