Monday, September 26, 2016

Baby E Newborn Session {Fort Smith AR Photographer}

These sweet sisters. I cannot even begin to express how special I feel when I get to photograph a families newborn. The only thing more wonderful is being called back a second time. I photographed sweet Emi two years ago, and now I was blest to meet her new sister. 

Sweet big sister was eager to assist in the shoot. She even snapped a couple photos with my camera while we set up. I just love her proud smiles.

This precious girl was a gorgeous, squishy, ten pounds. It took a lot of restraint to keep from pinching her sweet cheeks. 

I love when families include special items in their shoots. This cape was made from Great Grandma's wedding dress. It was also used in big sisters newborn shoot. 

I am so happy for this wonderful family to welcome a fourth baby. She will be surrounded by so much love. Congratulations on your newest member! She is beautiful.

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