Monday, October 10, 2016

Sisters {Fort Smith AR Photographer}

I have greatly enjoyed every session I've had with these two. Its very common for me to get jitters before a session, whether the client is old or new, but with these sisters I am always so excited. They have the most contagious happiness. I took a slightly different approach with the images this time. I let the girls interact and I just stood by. The genuine smiles made my day.

The dance moves were on point. The expressions of Little sis had me laughing as I sorted images. Big sis was really hoping we would see an alley cat, but no luck. 

She's so pretty. That fair skin <3

I think we need to take a moment to appreciate this ones eyes!

You could probably hear the giggles echoing a block over.

Always so happy to see them. And always looking forward to the next session! Thank you, girls, for making my morning!

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