Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Riggs/Sehon Family Sessions {Fort Smith AR Photographer}

I greatly enjoyed photographing these two families. The kids were all adorable and well behaved, making my job easy. We had gorgeous weather and sunlight. 


It never fails. The little boys always find a huge branch to tote around.

Moments after the branch was taken away.



These sisters practiced saying "Cheese" before the session. Their precious, little voices were adorable as they sang it the whole time.

Sweet cousins. Every time I called for these sister's their precious cousin photobombed. 

Another photobomb by their little cousin haha!

The intensity of this hug!





To make sure we got images of little man smiling, dad put him down to run. Worked!

It was so wonderful working with these two families. I hope you enjoy your images!

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