Thursday, July 31, 2014

Maternity shoot with Mrs. Brittany

My sister in law, Brittany, is currently pregnant with her fourth baby (and due any day!!!!!). She never had photographs taken with her previous pregnancies so while we were visiting in Little Rock she asked if we could run out and do a quick shoot. It wasn't a particularly pleasant day. It was humid and drizzling. My camera had a plastic baggy wrapped around it! The original spot we wanted to visit for photos was flooded so we went to the Old Mill. We quickly walked through the site and took these. At the time of the shoot she was about 32weeks. Can't wait to meet my sweet niece. I asked my 3 year old daughter what she thought the new baby would look like and she tells me, "Probably blue eyes and pink hair." Brittany's husband responds "If the mail man has pink hair, youre in trouble."



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