Friday, August 1, 2014

Gracie bear turns 3

So, its happening... My little angel is growing up. I cannot believe I have a three year old on my hand. She is all things girl. Dress up, princess, dancing... 
Shooting my own children poses difficulty other people children don't. Capturing photos requires stealth. Smiling for the camera is as rare as ... something really REALLY rare. This shoot consisted of bribery and just following her around, letting her be her. My husband did some acrobatics to coax laughs. We were on location all of five minutes before she fell in dirt. I wish I hadn't wanted to dress her in white so badly. It was about 97 degrees out so we had to be fast before she became a sweat ball. I really treasure these images because they show my baby girl being exactly who she is. Isn't that what every parent wants in their photos? 


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