Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Smith family session

This was a fun shoot. Three families, six kids. I was a little nervous because the photographs were shot on a dock. The children were running, as kids will. I was just waiting for someone to splash into the water, but no one did! 

This handsome man was a professional photo bomber. At least five separate times he leaped into the frame and struck a pose. When I sat down to edit I was laughing so hard. I think he would have posed for me all day.


                                                               Brothers shot!

One thing I have heard every shoot with children is "Remember, if you do well you get ice cream!" These sweeties wanted their ice cream! 

I love these curls!!!

I love this family shot! Amber is working that super model pose. Ashley has two beautiful children.

Right about this time I did was fortunate enough to annoy a wasp colony living under the bridge. I was the proud recipient of 6 stings. The positive, no one else was stung, and I am apparently not allergic. I learned a valuable lesson about fully checking out surroundings during a shoot! We were able to close the session with these beautiful family shots.

This session was organized in hopes of getting images of the six grandchildren all together. This is when quantity equals quality. I snapped as fast as I could. each image is a composite of multiple shots.

This is my favorite of all the kids and took four photos to put together.

I always love black and whites so I took some of my favorites and converted them!




Thank you to the Smith family for allowing me to photograph your family. I really enjoyed the opportunity.

for booking information please visit or email

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