Thursday, August 28, 2014

Baby Z, 11 days new

Welcome to baby Z's full session!
This was such a fun session. Zoe was so sweet and the family was wonderful. I really enjoyed being a part of recording thier memories. Baby Z's session started out in the sun room/office. It was nice and toasty, but she wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea. After a couple minutes of crying, Dad swept her out to the porch and was rocking her. Moments later I hear, "AH! Bring me a wipe!" This beautiful (and naked) baby girl started pooping all over dad. I laughed about this the entire time I edited.

                                                                        Family shot:

Baby Z seemed to prefer the outdoors to the warm office so the session moved outside. Baby Z has a gorgeous older sister, Jada. 

Sister shots:

Just as a precaution, I had warned Jada, "if she starts to poop or pee, don't throw her. Hold until we get the shot." I wish I had snapped a photo as I said this. The look was priceless!


Daddy and baby:
Mom told me, "He is much better at calming her down. With me she just wants to eat." I can totally relate. Both my babies would sleep on my husband, cuddle with him... then they yelled at me. But Mom must be doing an amazing job nourishing her. She was such a plump newborn!


Mom and Dad: Many times I will choose to include duplicate shots of the same pose if the face of the child changed from shot to shot. I know that I personally love the silly faces my babies make, where as some parents prefer a smile. So, I leave it to the parents to narrow it down.


Mom was doing so amazing through this whole shoot. She had a C-section less than two weeks prior. If she hadn't told me, I never would of guessed. Tough!

Daddy is Canadian. We wanted to incorporate something into the shoot that showed baby Z's heritage. Dad had a hockey jersey. I am in love with these shots!

I was so excited when the family told me they wanted black and whites. I've always loved black and white photography. This was a really fun opportunity for me to set up high contrast shots. One thing to keep in mind while viewing these is every single one of these shots takes place in either mom or dads lap. She wanted to be held, so held she was. Poor mom and dad were already sweating and then I layer them with a pillow and thick blanket.
...not to mention the parents black shirts were then covered in blanket fuzz. They were such good sports! So now, here is the medley of Baby Zoe!


The thinker. These are the cute little moments I love to capture!

Thank you again to this wonderful family for trusting me to capture your new baby girl's first photographs!

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