Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ms. Alyssa

The first thing Alyssa wanted to do when arriving to her shoot was run onto the dock. So that's where we started! Alyssa was hilarious. She has such a sweet disposition and she took direction so well. She makes me think of a California girl with her wavy blonde hair.  I came armed with baby wipes in my camera bag. It was a toasty 100 degrees today. Thankfully it cooled off enough for our 30 minute session. 

I asked Alyssa to look over the side of the bridge and tell me what she saw. "Hmmm, dirt, mud, and trash..." She was right haha! But at least that's not what shows in the photo!


She really was a ball of silly the whole time. 

I had to have a couple black and whites! Although it was hard for her, Alyssa resisted the urge to take off down one of the trails. When I was editing these I really noticed what beautiful blue eyes she has!

A few with mom! Erica kept calling her a goof... I think its fairly obvious who the goofy comes from! Erica came equipped with silly faces to keep her daughter focused and smiling! Alyssa pleaded her mom to show the faces to me, sadly Erica declined. I'll just have to use my imagination!

Eskimo Kisses! Proof that the silly comes from Mom!

Thank you again to Erica and Alyssa! I really enjoyed spending the evening with you!

for booking information visit: or email

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