Friday, August 15, 2014

Natasha's family session

I very much enjoyed getting to spend the evening with this family. The kids were so well behaved and took direction! The evening sun gave such wonderful lighting. Hopefully I will have the chance to work with them again in the future!

Ms. Harley
This little princess loved having her photo taken, and I loved photographing her! She is a beauty! She looks so much like her mom its unreal. Harley came prepared with different scarf options. I loved loved LOVED this blue one. Matched her eyes perfect. Its not everyday that I get to photograph kids with these gorgeous, ice blue eyes.

Mr. Devon

Devon is all boy. He wasn't sold on the idea of a photo shoot but he went along without a fight. I did my best to be quick and efficient so he didn't suffer too much!


Brother & Sister
These two were such a treat to photograph. Apparently, near the kids house is a cow pasture. The kids are not allowed to cross the fence (which resembles the fence in the photographs). I asked Devon to climb over the fence to take some shots with his sister and he told me 'No" because he doesn't want to get ticks. His mom told him this fence was okay to cross, but it was definitely a hilarious moment for me. Good for his momma to know that he listens to her!


Some Black and White
I always have to add a few black and whites to complete the session cd! 

A big thank you goes out to Natasha for purchasing this session as a donation for Shelley Stone. Shelley is a mother of two boys, who suffers from Intracranial hypertension. Shelley received brain surgery to help relieve her symptoms and is now in recovery.

If you enjoyed these photos, please "like" Brittney Owens Photography on facebook and keep an eye out for special contests and discounts!
for booking information visit: or email

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