Saturday, October 18, 2014

Needham fall mini session

I was so happy when Melissa asked me to take her family photos. I met Melissa and Jason a couple years ago when we were all youth group volunteers. I feel very lucky that we have gotten to be friends. Melissa was kind enough to let me practice newborn photography on Alivea when she was first born. Their fall mini was initially rained out, but it seems to have worked in our favor.  The trees started changing and we got some beautiful colors.

Grant was standing off to the side, getting Alivea's attention. It was so obvious that she loves her big brother.

I think its safe to say, this little peanut is going to be spoiled. She has the most adorable personality.

I think this may be my favorite photo of the session. When I was holding Alivea she made a lunge for her brother. Its always a good thing for a girl as adorable as she is to have a protective big brother.

One of her many expressions HAHA!

This is another one of my favorites. Alivea was having a blast. Its always wonderful to see a happy baby. You know that she is being so loved at home. I know I, and countless others, were elated when Melissa and Jason were blest with Alivea. Melissa was destined to be a mom.

Had to sneak in a couples shot!

I asked Dad and son to look at each other and smile for a shot. They did and about half a second later the burst into laughter. I guess gazing into each others eyes wasn't their thing! Still a very handsome photo.

Here is an example of my editing. Left is the SOOC image and right is the final edit.

Thank you to the Needham family for including me in your memories!

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Fort Smith, Arkansas photographer specializing in newborn, children and family portraits. 

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