Saturday, October 18, 2014

Joe and Chuck

Joe purchased this session in support of the Sebastian County Humane Society ( Thank you so much to Joe for making a charitable contribution to Fort Smith's local shelter. All the fur babies appreciate your support! My own dog was adopted from the humane society here. He is a wonderful part of my family.

This handsome bull terrier is Chuck.

I was a little confused when Joe first walked in. He was carrying this 14 month old in his arms. He let me know, as soon as I put him down he will be gone. Another amusing tidbit with this session was that a very nosey hound was sniffing me and licking my face while I was photographing Joe and Chuck. Dogs don't come equipped with personal bubbles. As we speak, I am typing this blog post and my german shepherd is trying to sit in my lap.

My daughter and I made a walk through the humane society this afternoon while dropping of Joe's donation. There are so many beautiful animals waiting for a home. Thank you again to Joe!
I am going to continue to offer pet portrait sessions to benefit Fort Smith's, Sebastian County Humane Society. For booking information please email or visit
Fort Smith, Arkansas photographer specializing in newborn, children and family portraits. 

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