Sunday, October 26, 2014

Allison's Fall session

I was so happy when Allison messaged me for a session. We met 6 years ago when I first moved to Fort Smith, and worked together briefly. Back then I remember seeing pictures of little Zeke. It blew me away to see how grown up he was. The only way I can describe Zeke is, he is a perfect angel. If Allison ever were to write a parenting book, I would purchase it.

I was marveling at how several of these photos look like they were taken in Colorado. Arkansas is so so beautiful, especially in fall. 

Allison makes such a beautiful mom to be. Poor Zeke was being blinded by the reflections off the lake. They were a little intense. We had to pause for a few minutes before we could continue walking so he could refocus haha!


Love these shots. First family portraits of the three of them together!

We had some gorgeous, golden light to work with. Allison is looking beautiful at 31 weeks!


I asked Zeke to give me a smirk. He told me, "I don't know what that means." His momma goes, "Its the look you give me when you know you're about to be in trouble." Immediately, this was the face I got.

Every session deserves some Black and White photographs! 


This is one of my personal favorites.

Thank you so much to Allison for allowing me to photograph her growing family!

for information of booking a session email:
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Fort Smith, Arkansas photographer specializing in newborn, children and family portraits. 

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