Monday, November 10, 2014

Dean Family Session

Markie was one of the first friends I made when I moved to Fort Smith 6 years ago. When I met her she had just started dating this Army boy, Jordan. Well, here they are now! They have a beautiful family. Ms Layla is such a fireball. I feel like Phiefer and I have kindred spirits. Both middle children. She made me work for those smiles, but they sure are gorgeous! Baby Ace, well, he's just stinking cute! My husband looked over my shoulder while I was editing this session and yelled, "Whoa! That baby looks just like Jordan!"


We had beautiful weather and scenery. Combine those two things with a gorgeous family and you can't go wrong. This photo had me laughing. I took about 15 shots quickly. You could see the transition of Ace going from "happy" to "help my sisters are squishing me!"


                                                    Shot of the boys and a shot of the girls

All of the Dean kids have these amazing blue eyes...

...The Dean kids also like to dramatically enter the world. Mr Ace missed out on newborn photographs with an extended stay in the NICU. Both his sisters had photos incorporating their daddy's Army uniforms, so we carried that on with Ace.

Up the hill there was a couple laying in the grass. While Ace was enjoying basket time, Layla was running, photobombing us,  and visiting the kissy couple haha!

He really liked being in the basket 

I'm pretty in love with this one.

Quote from Jordan: "They are a lot easier to pose when they are newborns and can't move."
Quote from Markie: "He's happy if you let him eat the hat."

Here are a couple examples of my editing process.

I love enhancing the fall colors.

I was heart broken when I thought this one was too underexposed but it worked out beautifully. Love how warm it turned out.

Now because I love love love black and whites....


I was very happy I remembered to bring candy to this session. Layla and Pheifer earned their M&Ms. I very much enjoyed this shoot.

For exclusive deals like Brittney Owens Photography on Facebook.

Fort Smith, Arkansas photographer specializing in newborn, children and family portraits. 

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