Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Baby J's newborn session

I got to spend an hour with one of the sweetest little men ever. Baby J was so alert for his newborn session. Just checking me out, watching his momma, and trying to eat the blankets. I love when the baby stays awake. It definitely makes them difficult to pose but their eyes make the photo. Thank you to Mom and Dad for allowing me to be part of their newborns first days!

 True to form for a baby boy, he wanted his mommy. So mom had to hold him for most of the photographs. I love this picture. It looks like he's blowing her a kiss.


Cannot believe how handsome he was. Beautiful dark hair and perfect skin. 

Mom is obviously doing a wonderful job nursing. This little man is already clubbing out and he isn't even two weeks old yet. 

He tried to convince his mom that he needed to nurse. She wasn't buying it.

This is where baby J wanted to be the whole time.


Big Brother came over to check out my camera. Had to snap one of him also. Momma will have her hands full with a 1 year old and newborn, but there isn't any doubt that these two will overwhelm her with love. Two very handsome boys with a loving mom. What more could you ask for!?

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Psalm 139:14

Fort Smith, Arkansas photographer specializing in newborn, children and family portraits. 

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