Sunday, November 23, 2014

Extended family session

 I first met this family when I did this gorgeous baby girls newborn session three months ago. I was asked back to do portraits of the whole extended family. We were having storms, so I was ecstatic that it let up enough to have a few shots taken outside. 



Grandparents! Both were so sweet. Very happy I got to meet them. I love the way their casual couple shots turned out.

 Any large group shot is challenging, but it helped that they were such good sports. Some of these are composites of multiple photos. Kids were picking noses, eyes were closed, heads turned, but I think we have some winners! haha!


These two just got married back in October. Im sure they have had their fill of photos but they indulged me. Good looking pair!

 All little man wanted was to play some lego ninja. He was a trooper. No one likes an hour and a half of getting there photo taken when their are lego villains on the loose!

Grandma with her daughter and granddaughter. All the stockings on the mantle were made by Grandma.

She is too pretty


The quote from these two was "Im not sure what I should be doing with my hands."

Pretty sisters. Baby Z was ready to eat. Glad we were able to sneak one in before she got upset. 

requested prom style photo

Mom and her oldest girl

Little Andy looks a lot like his daddy

Grandparents and their grand babies

Inside for formal family portraits!

Sibling shot. 

Very glad to have had this opportunity! Thank you to this wonderful group for inviting me into their home!

        Fort Smith, Arkansas photographer specializing in newborn, children and family portraits. 

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